We do our best to always choose those babysitters who we really think are suitable for the job. After a deep interview, we focus on their abilities, their experiences and flexibility.
Naturally it can happen that a family does not feel the sympathy for a babysitter, even though we were sure about choosing the most suitable one for them. We truly understand it and we are ready to ask another babysitter to go as soon as possible. We also provide the possibility of an online meeting even before the service begins, which is free of charge. We believe that in most cases this is a great help for families.
After you have done your request, you are going to need to choose from the options: “I am ready to pay the booking fee / invoice” or “I still have some questions”. In this last case we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your questions, and after everything is clear we prepare your invoice.
Sometimes this e-mail can be flagged as “Spam” or “Junk” e-mail by protection systems. So check your “spam” or “junk” folders.
You may ask a babysitter some time before the actual working day or even on that day when you need the service of a babysitter. We are able to send a babysitter in a very short time too, like in 1-3 hours, with an extra fee of 5 Euro per hour.
You cannot make any contact either with babysitters or parents directly. This is one of our main rules.
Once a babysitter has made a sitting job at a family it is then possible for reviews to be posted. The reviewer is invited to rate the other member using a 5-star rating system and place a review. This review will be visible only to us, so it is not going to be published. The reviews add a great value and the overwhelming majority of reviews are given and received very generously and positively. In case of any problem it is our task to try to solve it as soon as possible.
Every time one of our babysitters starts the sitting job at your home, we kindly ask you to accept their Non Stop Nanny membership e-card instead of asking their personal documents such as ID card. You will see a photo and a unique code which make you understand that you have the right babysitter sent by us. In case someone cannot show their membership e-card please let us know and we can confirm
their position at our company.