How do I choose the right babysitter?

OK, let’s be honest: when it comes to let your child spend time with someone else, it is always a doubtful moment. Is my baby safe? Will the nanny be able to substitute me and make things well? Can the child feel comfortable with a new person?

Let’s start from last: babies need to see different people and spend time with them, as much as possible, since they are born. Of course, nothing can substitute the unique parental connection, which is the basic element of their psychologic development. Though, a healthy psychological growth is made also of social interactions: to your children, especially in the first years of life, everything is new, a discovery. Even the time alone (also essential) can never be boring, because they live for knowing new things.

This is why seeing different people from the beginning is the first step to be comfortable when a nanny will be needed.


Then, of course, comes the babysitter’s ability. A good nanny would never try to be a parent’s substitution. A good nanny might be a stranger, but a stranger who is able to fit from the beginning into the children’s perspective, understanding their needs, encouraging their curiosity, spending time with them in which they will learn, above all, how to transform a stranger into someone they like to stay with.

Last, but not the least: safety first!

Obviously, the children’s security is every parent’s biggest concern. Trust is something which has to be built in time, and nannies make no exception.  It can be stressful and time-consuming to reach and keep a person who is totally reliable.

Furthermore, finding a trustable babysitter who is also able to prevent (first of all) dangerous situations or able to deal with them, looks more like a full-time job!

Non Stop Nanny makes this job for you. We select for you the right nanny, with the right skills and talent in various situations, a nanny who is trustable, flexible and speaks your language, too. 

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